- "Geometric Programming in Statistics", Tutorial, 2008-Spring Korean Statistical Society Meeting, May, 2008.
- "Prediction in Chain Ladder Method with Unknown Change Points", Statistics, Soongsil Univ., May, 2008.
- "Large Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation", Applied Statistics, Konkuk Univ., Nov, 2008.
- "Large Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation", CSA meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec, 2008.
- "Estimation of Stochastically Ordered Survival Functions Via Geometric Programming", ISM-APRM, June, 2009.
- "Large Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation", Management Science, Sogang Univ., Sep, 2009.
- "Ideal Point Estimation of Korean National Assembly" Tutorial, 2010-Spring Meeting of
Society of BI-Data mining, April, 2010.
- "Ranked Set Sampling" Nonparametric Stat. Conference, Columbus, OH, May, 2010.
- "Ranked Set Sampling", Order Stat. Conference, Cairo, Egypt, July, 2010.
- "Ranked Set Sampling", JSM-2010, Vancouver, CA, Aug, 2010.
- "Ideal Point Estimation of Korean National Assembly", Statistics, Dongguk Univ., Oct, 2010.
- "Large Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation", Applied Statistics, Sungkyunkwan Univ., Oct, 2010.
- "Large Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation", Statistics, UMBC, Jan, 2011.
- "Classification with an Image Predictor", 2011-Spring Korean Statistical Society Meeting, May, 2011.
- "Large Scale Statistical Inference", Dynamic System in Brain: Mathematical Approach, NIMS, June, 2011.
- "Large Scale Statistical Inference", Joint Workshop of Korean Statistics and Econometrics, June, 2011.
- "Intensive Courses on
Statistical Methods for Brain Data", SRC(Data Science) and NIMS, Oct., 2011. (Organizer)
- "Brain Data Analysis", KSS-fall meeting, Nov., 2011.
- "Isotonized Mean Estimation for Ranked Set Sampling", OSDA, Hong Kong, Dec., 2011.
- "Ranked Set Sampling", IMS-APRM, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2012.
- "Ranked Set Sampling", JSM-2012, San Diego, USA, July, 2012.
- "Two Sample Test for Mixed Type Data", ICSA-JSS-KSS meeting, Hokaido, Japan, Sep, 2012.
- "Large Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation",IMS-FPS, Singapore, June, 2013.
- "Regularized T-test for High-dimensional Partially Paired Data", IASC meeting, Seoul, Korea, Aug., 2013.
- "Inference on Large Scale Covariance Matrix", 1st joint meeting of KAS-NAS, Irvine, CA, Aug, 2013.
- "HORSES: Fused Lasso Regression", World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, Aug., 2013.
- "Introduction to High Dimensional Analysis", Annual Meeting of Korean Pharm. Society, Dec., 2013.
- "Recent Advances on Fused Lasso Regression", Fall Meeting of KSS, Nov., 2013.
- "RSS t-approximation in RSS", Order Statistics Meeting, Dallas, Mar. 2014.
- "Recent Advances on Fused Lasso Regression", Prob. Stat. Day, UMBC, Apr. 2014.
- "OC meeting of 2nd Kavli Symposium of KAS-NAS.", Hawaii, May, 2014.
- "Regression with Ranks", KISS-ICSA joint meeting, Portland, OR, June, 2014.
- "High-dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation", Cheongju, KSS 2015-spring meeting, May, 2015.
- "OC of 2nd Kavli Joint Symposium of KAS-NAS", Jeju, June, 2015.
- "High-dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation", Hong Kong, the 4-th IMS-APRM, June, 2016.
- "Separable Covariance Matrix", Seville, Spain, Dec. 2016.
"Statistical Disclosure Control for Financial Data", Special Lecture for The Korean Money and Finance Association, June, 2017.
"High-dimensional Covariance Matrix and Portfolio Optimization", 7th IMS-FIPS, Baltimore, July, 2017.
- "PD covariance matrix". Joint Statistical Meeting, Baltimore, MD, July, 2017.
- "PD covariance matrix", Statistics, Sungkyunkwan University, Nov. 2017.
- Organizer of the session "High-dimensional covariance matrix and its application." 2017 IASC-ARS meeting, Auckland, NZ. Dec., 2017.
- "Discussion on FastLink" by Kosuke Imai 2018 Asian PolMeth V Conference In Seoul
Jan. 2018, SNU.
- Organizer of the session "Order related statistical inference." 2018 EcoSta meeting, Hong Kong, June. 2018.
"High Dimensional Covariance Matrix and Portfolio Optimization", JSM 2018, Aug. 2018, Vancouver, CA.
"Self-semi-supervised clustering of large scale data with a massive null", 3rd EcoSta Meeting. June 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
Organizer of "Order related statistical inference", 3rd EcoSta Meeting. June 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
"Ranked set sampling" the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress,Aug. 2019. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
"PD modification of regularized covariance matrix - extension", 2019-Fall, Korean Statistical Meeting.
"PD modification of regularized covariance matrix - extension", the 11th ICSA international confernece,
Hangzhou. China.
COVID-19 discussion by KAST, Mar, 2020.
"TBA", EcoStat 2020, July, 2020, Seoul, Korea.
Chair of the session "Order restricted statistical inference", JSM 2020, Aug. 2020. Philadelphia, USA.
Local OC of World Congress of Probability of Statistics-2020, Aug. 2020, Seoul, Korea.
Local OC "World Congress of Probability and Statistics, 2021", July. 2021, Seoul, Korea.
63rd ISI-WSC session organizer of "Inference on highdimensional covariance matrix", July, Virtual
"Bayesian Meta Aanlysis" Ecosta 2022, July. 2022, Kyoto, Japan.
Chair of the Round Table Discussion on the Futher of Math and AI by KAST, Nov 2023.
Data Valuation   KFA and FISA joint symposium, June, 2023, Seoul.
PDness of High Dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation, BK seminar, Yonsei Univ., July, 2023.
"l1 Spatial Voting Theory", ISI-WSC, July, 2023, Ottawa, CA.
Section organizer "High Dimensional Regression in Biomedical Application", Ecosta 2023, Aug, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
Section organizer "High Dimensional Regression and its Application", IMS-APRM 2024, Jan, 2024, Melbourne, AU.
"HMM and its Application to Multiple Testing", ENAR 2024, March, 2024, Baltimore, USA.
"PDness of High Dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation", ECOSTA 2024, June, 2024, Beijing, China.
- Computational Statistics (08-Fall).
- Applied Statistics(Grad) (09-Spring), Elementary Statistics (09-Spring).
- Advanced Stat. Method.(Grad) (09-Fall), Elementary Statistics (09-Fall).
- Applied Statistics(Grad) (10-Spring), Freshman Seminar(10-Spring).
- Advanced Stat. Method.(Grad) (10-Fall), Computational Statistics (10-Fall), Fresehman Seminar(10-Fall).
- Applied Statistics(Grad) (11-Spring), Experimental Design (11-Spring).
- Advanced Stat. Method.(Grad) (11-Fall), Survey Sampling (11-Fall).
- Applied Statistics(Grad) (12-Spring), Freshman Seminar (12-Spring).
- Computational Statistics (12-Fall), Freshman Seminar (12-Fall).
- Design of Experiment (13-Spring), Freshman Seminar (13-Spring).
- Multivariate Statistics (13-Fall), Seminar on Theoretical Statistics (Grad) (13-Fall).
- Intro. Stat. (15-Spring), Probability Theory 1 (Grad) (15-Spring).
- Multivariate Statistics (15-Fall), Statistical Consulting (Grad) (15-Fall).
- Intro. Stat. (16-Spring), Freshman Seminar (Grad) (16-Spring).
- Multivariate Statistics (16-Fall), Statistical Consulting (Grad) (16-Fall).
- Intro. Stat. (17-Spring).
- Multivariate Statistics (17-Fall).
- Design of Experiments (18-Spring).
- Multivariate Statistics (18-Fall).
- Probability Theory (Grad) (19-Spring).
- Sampling Theory (19-Fall), Statistical Consulting (Grad) (19-Fall).
- Probability Theory (Grad) (20-Spring), Freshman Seminar for Grad. (20-Spring).
- Applied Statistics (Grad) (22-Spring), Regression Analysis (22-Spring).
- Stat. Consulting, Grad. Freshman Seminar (Grad) (23-Spring), DOE (23-Spring).
- Stat. Consulting (Grad) (23-Fall), Statistical Process Control (23-Fall).
- Applied Statistics (Grad) (24-Spring), DOE (24-Spring).
- Advanced Multivariate Statistics (Grad) (24-Fall), Mathematical Statistics II (24-Spring).